The recording studio is a reality. And it works. He wanted to build it in his country, in the hills, amid beautiful groves and vineyards, near Tortona, where he was born 29 years ago. He has built it not only for himself ("Singing is for the others to sing just for myself would not make sense ..."), but for soloists and bands who want to create. The idea came up to his mind in March 2010, while he was studying with Master Delfo Menicucci from Viareggio, singing teacher at the conservatory in Milan. Emanuele has spent the last ten years working hard with Enzo Consogno, director of the choir “Verdi” of Pavia, as well as organist and composer. Master Consogno, who has been directing concerts for many years has always believed in the potential of his student Emanuele and he has contributed to turn Emanuele's adolescent passion into singing awareness and expression. Semino Emanuele experienced singing in concerts at the Villa Reale in Monza, in 2004 when, still a white voice, he sang tenor in "Carmina Burana" and at the Civic Theatre in Tortona, in the most famous arias of "The Barber of Seville". Since then he has never stopped singing, trying succesfully a repertoire ranging from opera to sacred songs, and even pop music. In 2009, while preparing for the state exam at High School in Tortona, he sang on RAI 1 (Italian Radio-Television) on national Psalm of Mass broadcast from the Basilica of San Michele Maggiore in Pavia and in April of 2011 he performed as a soloist at the "Fraschini" and in other theaters of the province, with performances in classic style, orchestral and choral. "With the passing of time I have developed my artistic style and have learned to deal with a wide audience", as a matter of fact many young people are present at his performances and a group of fans follow him and support him. He Realized the dream of a record when he met Pierpaolo Guerrini, artist composer, friend and collaborator of Andrea Bocelli. For the album, titled "Drops of Poetry -In my Heart", Pierpaolo Guerrini has arranged songs published and unpublished composed musically very expressive Italian, supporting the natural inclination and tastes melodic, which are the key to the songs of Emanuele Semino.